20 April 2010

Thank goodness

Happiest discovery ever: fresh organic artichokes taste fabulous when steamed in the microwave at work and dipped in spicy brown mustard cut with lemon juice. Thank goodness for my CSA boxes-- I would have missed on this discovery if the artichokes weren't in my fridge this morning.

Breakfast: Kashi Autumn Harvest cereal with almond milk; banana; soy yogurt; coffee with stevia and almond milk
Lunch: scrambled tofu with mushrooms, kale, carrots, red onions and avocado; steamed artichokes with above-mentioned sauce; strawberries
Snack: two fruit leather strips
Dinner: green salad with walnuts, fava beans and red wine dressing; pizza with many types of mushrooms, artichokes, caramelized onions and truffle oil; grapefruit
Snack: strawberry balsamic and prickly pear sorbettos

(Dinner and snack from Farina Pizza, which I LOVE but cannot afford very often. Thank goodness I have leftover salad and pizza to take to work tomorrow.) <-- I was somewhat worried that the pizza wouldn't be good without the cheese, but I actually found that I could taste all of the other flavors even more without its masking effect.

:) Happy Monday-is-over-celebration, friends.

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