22 April 2010

It could be

Where has this week gone? I don't have time to come up for air, really-- but I wanted to drop by here with a few food updates.

Tomorrow, I am going to do a fruit and vegetable "cleanse," as recommended by Sarah Taylor of The Vegan Next Door. Basically, the idea is to eat as much as you care to of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables-- and nothing else-- for 24 hours. So please keep your fingers crossed for me tomorrow. It could be very good for me.

Today, I had a great eating out experience, and a catered not-so-great experience. More about those soon, I hope. (And by soon I mean: after the final presentation I'm giving for a class tomorrow night.) For today:

Breakfast: Kashi's Autumn Wheat cereal with almond milk; coffee with stevia and almond milk; banana; 15 whole raw almonds
Snack: soy yogurt; fruit leather strip
Lunch: whole wheat roll stuffed with roasted veggies and spicy mustard; bag of potato chips; lemonade sweetened with agave; tangerine; clementine
Snack: single serving bag Healthy Pop Kettle Corn; half tomato and avocado sandwich; strawberries
Dinner: green smoothie (bag frozen tropical fruit blended with huge handful spinach); two pieces leftover Farina pizza with avocado

Wish us luck tomorrow evening, friends. This presentation is the last of our grades for this course-- one step closer to my MBA.

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