10 April 2010

Unofficial first day

I just spent $226 at the grocery store-- but am now well-stocked on vegan condiments, nutritional yeast, various vitamins, plenty of whole grains and assorted snacks to take to school/work.

Today was an unofficial first day of sorts-- eating today was pretty great, especially since I hadn't planned on being intentionally vegan when I left the house this morning.

Breakfast: oatmeal with applesauce; coffee with almond milk and stevia; lemon-flavored yogurt; banana
Lunch: Kashi's Black Bean Mango meal; green salad with raspberry vinaigrette; sliced red and yellow peppers; grapefruit
Dinner: curried cauliflower and chickpeas; roasted parsnips, carrots, green beans and mushrooms; sauteed zucchini and mushrooms; Shiraz
Snack: Whole Fruit popsicle; blackberries; herbal tea

I feel as though I should eat something more; it seems unlikely that's actually enough calories for my body, but I'm not hungry. I'm sort of waiting for the cravings to hit-- I bought a lot more processed food today than I usually do, but I'm trying to take it easy on myself this first week or so. I guess we'll see.

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