18 July 2010


Basic vegan cooking can be enormously satisfying. Especially as summer progresses, I find that I am craving dishes that highlight the clean, unadorned taste of fresh ingredients. Herbavoracious has a great method post for creating wonderful vegetarian meals. Using this guideline, I created tonight's dinner as a means of using some produce before it went bad.

Cook 1/2 cup barley in 2 cups of water; salt well.
Dry-fry 1/4 block of firm tofu; cut into cubes
Stir-fry 1/2 a red onion, 2 zucchini, and 1 yellow squash. Season with salt, pepper and smoked paprika.

Place barley in serving bowl; top with veggie mixture; layer tofu cubes and splash with mirin. (Not too much, but enough to moisten the tofu a bit.) Add avocado cubes, and devour.

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